Cause Hair Loss article
Loss generally occurs due to the hormone testosterone, which broke into Dihydrotestoterone (DHT). DHT will attack the hair follicles and make it smaller and thinner until it becomes thin hair and scalp visible or often called androgenetic Alopecia. Yes 90% of patients with type baldness is androgenetic baldness.
Is it true that hair indicates the status of a particular health problem? Could be. But there is also the problem of hair that does not need to be too concerned about. Let's check one by one according to your hair problems WebMD as follows:
1. Dandruff is not contagious. How can nest dandruff on the scalp? Doctors are not sure, but a theory is that dandruff occurs due to excessive mold growth. Other possible triggers scalp is too dry or oily, wash your hair too often or otherwise lazy shampooing, having eczema or psoriasis. Although having dandruff sometimes embarrassing, sometimes itch too annoying, but dandruff is not harmless. To decrease the amount of dandruff or prevent it from appearing again, use an anti-dandruff shampoo on a regular basis. Leave the shampoo on the scalp for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. If these steps do not help, call your doctor immediately.
2. If yellowish dandruff and rough, chances are you have seborrheic dermatitis, an inflammatory skin condition that can occur when many oil glands, such as the scalp and face. Although seborrheic dermatitis is associated with hormone, mushrooms and even neurological problems, but the solution is the same as dandruff, use an anti-dandruff shampoo to overcome. For severe cases may need antifungal drugs and steroids that can be bought with a prescription.
3. Hair loss. There is no accurate gauge, but some experts said the loss of up to 100 hair strands still considered normal. This is not a sign of danger, nor a sign you will go bald. Approximately 90% of 100,000 hair follicles to grow. While the other 10% is in the resting phase fall out after 2-3 months, replaced by new hair, and the cycle begins again. A shock to the system, whether it's surgery, childbirth, certain medications, diet weight, stress and thyroid problems can push the hair into the resting phase (telogen). Approximately 2 months later, you may be experiencing hair loss (telogen effluvium). In most cases, the new hair will grow to replace the loss. If the status of telogen effluvium requires special treatment, contact the doctor.
4. In the case of alopecia areata, your immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, causing hair loss a lot, sometimes suddenly. Most people will have one or two areas bald, but it could be all the hair disappears. Alopecia areata is not dangerous, but psychologically depress the owner of the hair. Hair may grow back on its own or with the help of therapy. Unfortunately, some people do not respond to those that suffered recurrent hair loss and regrowth.
5. Although reduced, but baldness is more influenced by the lineage of the mother than the father's lineage. So, go back and check whether your mother's grandfather was also bald. If so, you will be prepared to experience it too. Pattern baldness in men often starts from the disappearance of the hair near the forehead, resembling a horseshoe above his head near the forehead. There are a number of drugs that can be used to slow down hair loss, such as Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride).
6. Baldness in women means thinning all over the head. Unlike men, women rarely become bald. Hair loss in women is usually slower than in men. Another myth is: Long hair will not put pressure on the hair roots, causing more easily fall out. To keep hair loss is not easy, a drug that can be bought with a prescription such as Rogaine (minoxidil) can help.
7. Too much sun will damage the hair. This is true. If your hair is thin, while the sun is no risk of 'burn out' in the scalp. Choose hair care products that contain sunscreen. But on the other hand these coatings would be 'burdensome' hair. For that is recommended to use a hat or umbrella when on the move in the sun.
8. Can dieting make hair problem? In extreme cases the answer is yes, you can. Hair needs protein and iron to stay healthy, along with omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and vitamin A. Low carb diet and nutritional deficiencies mentioned above can make stunted hair or looks dull and rough. If serious nutritional deficiencies, such as eating disorders, hair can fall out. Keep your hair will shine with omega 3 fatty acids, spinach and carrots for vitamin A, brazil nuts are rich in selenium, and walnut shells as a source of zinc. All of these nutrients maintain healthy scalp and hair health, as well as low-fat dairy, whole grains and vegetables. Another benefit is, foods that are good for the heart is also good for hair.
9. Gray hair is not always related to age. If you are not yet 40 but already there decorating gray hair, maybe it's because of heredity. Uban is also not a marker of a person's health status. Nonetheless, anemua, thyroid problems, vitamin B deficiency, and vitiligo can cause the presence of prematurely gray hair. You can paint similar to the color gray hair to disguise it. But remember, some people are very sensitive to the chemicals contained in hair dye. The result head itch and burn.
10. Tying hair too tight can damage the hair follicles, causing broken or fall. Grafting Hair (hair extensions) sometimes can also cause baldness because there is an extra burden on the hair. Tying hair tightly for a long term can lead to permanent hair loss problem you know.
11. Dry your hair, use pencatok hair, brushing or using bleach, all it could damage the outer surface (cuticle) hair. When the inner lining of the hair is also exposed, then the result is hair look dry and dull. Although it does not cause permanent damage to the hair, but change the style of grooming, minimizing the use of tools that lead to damaged hair, can maintain your healthy hair.
12. Consumption of certain drugs can cause side effects such as hair loss, such as Coumadin (warfarin), Lopid (gemfibrozil), an antidepressant; beta-blockers; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), drugs for gout, arthritis, KB, and high blood pressure. Typically the hair will grow back when the consumption of drugs is stopped.
13. There is no evidence that massage the scalp will slow down or improve the condition of the scalp, but this effect is at least useful for the brain. The scalp is surrounded by nerve endings which make it very sensitive to touch. Rubbing your scalp will increase blood flow and relieve tension. Massage the scalp also trigger the brain secretes hormones 'feel good' such as dopamine and serotonin to improve mood.
14. Some companies claim they can analyze hair clippings to see if you are deficient in vitamins or health problems. Although hair analysis can detect a number of toxins such as lead or arsenin, but no standardized tests. Lab likely to report different findings from the same sample. Air pollution can change up the shampoo on the hair mineral makeup. The American Medical Association opposes hair analysis to determine treatment.
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